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Tailormade medical systems from a one-stop shop

Medical devices, robotic assistance systems, digital health or diagnostics solutions – as an ISO 13485-certified engineering partner, our interdisciplinary team develops holistic healthcare solutions that bring everyone on board. Let us join forces to shape the things to come in healthcare technology.

Standards-compliant system and software development

Digital healthsolutions

Quality assurance

Doctor looks at a screen in the
operating room


Unlock the power of advanced robotics

At ITK Germany, our roots in robotics run deep with nearly 30 years to our credit. Time in which we wrote millions of lines of code for robotic assistance systems. Whether surgical robots, mobile platforms, or robotic support in nursing and rehabilitation – our robotics team inspires with its firm grasp of methods and technology know-how for individual system solutions that master every move.

Doctor with virtual OR control


The connected OR

State-of-the-art operating rooms exhibit a high degree of connectivity both between individual medical devices and within the hospital’s IT systems. OR integration solutions offer significant benefits in terms of improving operating room efficiency, cutting costs, and reducing administrative overhead.

Smartphone with health app and


Partners on the path to your approvable medical device

Your ideas for innovative medical products are helping to move healthcare towards a bright digital future. Our Digital Health Microservices Platform speeds up your time to market and puts you on a safe path to turning your idea into an approvable medical product.

Success Story

Model-baseddevelopmentfor dental drillmotorcontroller

More reliable, smaller and easier to clean – sensorless and brushless DC (BLCD) motors are perfect for dental drills. On the downside, it takes a lot more effort to develop a control system because of the complex algorithms involved. ITK used model-based design to save time and efforts in development.

Exclusive whitepaper

Medical robotics: The journey from inceptive idea to finished product

The use of robotic systems in healthcare will continue to expand in the years ahead, paving the way for groundbreaking new opportunities in medical technology that will benefit both medical practitioners and patients. This whitepaper provides an overview of the key requirements and development steps from the evaluation of the product idea to the CE mark.

Digital transformation in healthcare

As an engineering partner for tailor-made system development with its origin in Germany, we can help you turn your idea into an approvable product and provide continued support beyond its release. We value openness. We cultivate close relationships. And we are in this with you for the long term. Joining forces with you, we want to develop safe, connected healthcare solutions that benefit people and society as a whole.

Are you interested in what we do?

Please do not hestiate to contact us.